
Account linking demo

We demonstrate two user flows in this demo site: OAuth account linking flow and Post-login save subscription flow using OAuth auth code flow.

Note: for this demo, you'll need to be added as SwG Developer role in GCP project: 'swgtest-342109' in order to access SwG Console DevTools.

Remix instruction

If you want to try it using your own publication ID, make a copy of this demo and configure it with your own parameters.

  1. Click 'Remix on Glitch' and make note of the new domain_name created (e.g. https://bloody-awesome-project.glitch.me)
  2. From your GCP project, add domain_name created in (1) to the Authorized Javascript Origins of your OAuth Client. This OAuth Client must be the one you configured for your SwG publication.
  3. In the same page with (2), add domain_name/auth to the Authorized redirect URIs of your OAuth Client. (e.g. https://bloody-awesome-project.glitch.me/auth)
  4. Update the following constant values in server.js: _PUBLICATION_ID, _GCP_PROJECT_ID, _GAL_CLIENT_ID.